Thursday, Feb 13th

Last updateSun, 21 Feb 2021 9am

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Embryo Biopsy

In short, the procedure is as follows::



Day 3 post insemination embryo-
At the 8 cell stage


The embryo is held by suction to a micro-pipette, using micro-manipulators attached to the microscope.

assisted A pipette is introduced to dissect a hole in the protein coat surrounding the embryo.
hatching A cell is taken from the embryo using a biopsy pipette.
suction The cell containing the nucleus is released.

The cell is placed into a tube and treated for DNA analysis



Day 3 post insemination embryo-
At the 8 cell stage

The embryo is held by suction to a micro-pipette, using micro-manipulators attached to the microscope.


A pipette is introduced to dissect a hole in the protein coat surrounding the embryo.

A cell is taken from the embryo using a biopsy pipette.

The cell containing the nucleus is released.

The cell is placed into a tube and treated for DNA analysis



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