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Looking for a job vacancy in Clinical Embryology?

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Masters in Clinical Embryology



Institution Title
Duration Contact
1) University of Oxford    MSc Clinical Embryology 12 months Dr Kevin Coward
Tel: +44 1865 221004
2) Imperial College London MSc Reproductive and Develop-
mental Biology
12 months Dr Mark Sullivan mark.sullivan
3) University College London MSc Reproductive Science and Women’s Health 12 μήνες Dr Joyce Harper joyce.harper
4) University of Nottingham MSc (MMedSci) Assisted Reproduction Technology 12 months Prof Bruce Campbell Ogpg
Tel: (+44) 0115 823 0682
5) University of Bristol MSc Reproduction and Development 12 months-distance learning Wendy Trowsdale Admin
6) University of Leeds MSc Clinical Embryology 2 χρόνια part-time Postgraduate Office Clinembms



Institution Title
University of Edinburgh MSc by research in Reproductive Biology 12 months Dr T.A. Bramley t.a.bramley
University of Liverpool MPhil/PhD Perinatal and Reproductive Medicine 3-4 years Prof A.M.Weindling a.m.weindling

Links from  2008

Dr Pamela Taylor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK.
The course delivered via distance learning modules both by post and electronic mail. Three residential workshops held over 2 years
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On-Line Masters in Clinical Embryology and Andrology Faculty at EVMS
International Human Embryology Master's Program
University of Krems, Austria
Masters Degree in Clinical Embryology (distance-learning programme)

Masters Degree in Prenatal medicine and genetic diagnosis
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University College London
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M.Sc. - Human Reproductive Biology
The Hammersmith Campus of the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine is located at Hammersmith Hospital.University of London email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M.Sc. in Reproduction and Development
University of Bristol, UK
Delivered principally over the internet with 10 weeks study in Bristol. One or two years.
Dr Kate Whittington
